This guy in a game I'm reffing last night got clipped by a high stick. It was during a scramble in my end, so I was watching the puck near the net and didn't see it occur. Next thing I know he's bleeding profusely from near his right eye.
He leaves the ice but comes back later with a butterfly on it.
After the game I said, "Dude, wear a cage!". He said, "No way, cages are for pussies!".
I didn't get a chance, but I should've told him that cages are for guys that like to keep their teeth, their eyes, and their blood.
I've been playing hockey for 36 years, and I've never lost a tooth, been cut by a stick, or poked in the eye. I block plenty of shots when I'm playing in my league, all without fear of being seriously injured.
Anyone who plays pickup or in a men's league without a cage is, in my opinion, a dumb-ass!
I saw a guy about 3 weeks ago take a clearing attempt right in the mouth. My guess is it will cost about $2500.00 to fix all 4 teeth that were chipped. RETARD.
I got the above picture from a fellow official who took a puck in the face. It's his CT scan image. Just ANOTHER reason to wear a cage when I play (and yes, I wear a shield when I officiate).
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